colon polyps
what are
colon polyps?

A colon polyp is an overgrowth of the mucosa (or lining) of the large bowel.
Much as some moles on the skin can develop precancerous or cancerous changes, so can colonic polyps. Polyps are very common, and become more common as we age. About 50% of patients at 50 will have at least one colonic polyp.
Colonic polyps can be found using colonoscopy. Almost all colonic polyps can be removed during a colonoscopy, using various instruments that are operated through the colonoscope. Once removed, polyp are sent to the pathology laboratory where they can be studied for changes that will tell us if you need further follow up.
The below info sheet has excellent information on colonic polyps. This has been developed by the Gastroenterological Society of Australia (GESA) and the Digestive Health Foundation.