balloon endoscopy
what is a
balloon endoscopy?

This procedure is similar to procedures you will already have had, but reaches further into the gastrointestinal tract using a system of remotely inflatable/deflatable balloons over the camera to pull the camera further into the small bowel.
For antegrade (through the mouth) procedures you should have nothing to eat or drink for 4 hours before your procedure. For retrograde (through the anus) procedures, you will need to follow bowel preparation instructions that have been given to you.
You will be given a sedative through a vein in the arm or hand before the procedure to make you more comfortable.
As drugs are used, and x-ray screening is occasionally used following the procedure, it is essential for female patients that there is no possibility of pregnancy. You must advise the nursing staff if you have any doubts about this.
You should advise the nursing staff if you are sensitive (allergic) to any drug or other substance.
Please do not stop any blood thinners or anti-coagulants unless directly advised to by your doctor. You should also inform your doctor if you have heart valve disease or have a pacemaker implanted.
Balloon enteroscopy uses a special instrument with an overtube, on which there is a balloon. Depending on where your problem lies (usually identified on a capsule endoscopy) we may use an instrument with two balloons. These balloons are inflated and deflated to allow us to pull the camera into the small bowel, like using hands to climb a rope. Once deep inside the small bowel, if necessary therapies can be used to remove tissue, or open up narrowings in the intestines.
Gastrointestinal endoscopy is usually simple and safe. It is very unlikely to cause any serious problems for patients.
Extremely rarely, individual patients may have a reaction to the sedation or damage to the oesophagus at the time of examination. Such complications are extremely rare, however, if you wish to have full details of all possible rare complications discussed before the procedure, you should inform your doctor.
The procedure will take between 30 and 90 minutes and you will be sleepy for about an hour afterwards. A relative or friend must pick you up. You may not leave unaccompanied.
If you have any severe abdominal pain, bleeding, fever or other symptoms that cause you concern, you should contact your doctor immediately.