ulcerative colitis
what is
ulcerative colitis?

Ulcerative colitis is a condition that causes inflammation of the large bowel (or colon).
Inflammation causes redness, swelling, pain and bleeding in the bowel. Although there has been a lot of research, we do not know exactly what causes ulcerative colitis. Currently it is felt to be the result of genetic factors, environmental triggers, an abnormal immune response and possibly the microbiome (the bugs that live in the gut).
Symptoms of Ulcerative colitis can include:
- Bleeding in the bowel motions
- Mucus in the bowel motions
- Diarrhoea
- The feeling of incomplete emptying after a bowel motion (tenesmus)
- Fatigue
- Anaemia
- Fevers
The CCUK information booklet (attached) is an excellent resource for patients recently diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. It covers a variety of topics and is very well researched and written. The CCUK website has a wealth of ulcerative colitis related information.
If you suspect you have UC you should talk to a doctor.